Computer Vision, Graphics, games, geometry in Julia.
- Julia Geometry Organization
- Julia GL Organization
- Julia Graphics Organization
- Julia Images Organization
From graph theory in mathematics, see graph.
File IO¶
See fileio.
Computer Vision (CV)¶
- aviks/MiniFB.jl : A Julia wrapper around emoon/minifb , a small cross platform library that makes it easy to render 32 bit pixels in a window.
- dfdx/ActiveAppearanceModels.jl : Active Appearance Models.
- dronir/Bezier.jl : Julia functions for computing a Bezier curve.
- iamazadi/Porta.jl : This project helps with Eric Weinstein's the Graph-Wall-Tome (GWT) project.
- jtramm/ConstructiveSolidGeometry.jl : A Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) and ray tracing package for Julia.
- JuliaGeometry/Contour.jl : Calculating contour curves for 2D scalar fields in Julia.
- JuliaGL/DevIL.jl : DentonW/DevIL / OpenIL binding for Julia.
- JuliaGraphics/Fontconfig.jl : provides basic binding to fontconfig.
- JuliaGraphics/Luxor.jl : an easy-to-use sugary coating in Julia for the Cairo graphics package.
- JuliaImages/ImageFeatures.jl : Image feature detection for Julia.
- JuliaPlots/VisualRegressionTests.jl : Automated integrated regression tests for graphics libraries.
- peterkovesi/PerceptualColourMaps.jl : Perceptually Uniform Colour Maps for Julia.
- rened/ShapeModels.jl : Statistical shape models / point distribution models.
- shashi/Reel.jl : Computations caught on camera.
- timholy/HalideCall.jl : Use shared libraries created by Halide from Julia.
- timothyrenner/ColorBrewer.jl : A Julia library for generating color brewer color schemes. (No
Image Processing¶
- HolyLab/RegisterQD.jl : It performs image registration using the global optimization routine
. Unlike many other registration packages, this is not "greedy" descent based on an initial guess---it attempts to find the globally-optimal alignment of your images. - hyrodium/ImageClipboard.jl : Copy and Paste images with Julia.
- JuliaEarth/ImageQuilting.jl : Image quilting for texture synthesis in Julia .
- JuliaHCI/SubpixelRegistration.jl : Efficient subpixel image registration algorithm implementation that allows you to register arrays of arbitrary dimensions (not just 2d). Functions are written for AbstractArrays and should work for Images.
- JuliaImages/ImageSegmentation.jl : Partitioning images into meaningful regions.
- JuliaImages/ImageView.jl : Interactive display of images and movies.
- JuliaImages/TestImages.jl : Loading standard test images into Julia.
- JuliaIO/MeshIO.jl : IO for Meshes.
- peterkovesi/ImageProjectiveGeometry.jl : Projective geometry for computer vision in Julia.
OpenGL and Vulkan API¶
- JuliaGL/ModernGL.jl : OpenGL 3+ bindings for Julia.
- JuliaGPU/Vulkan.jl : Wrapper of Vulkan, Khronos next generation OpenGL API.
- rdeits/MeshCat.jl : Julia bindings to the MeshCat WebGL viewer.
Vector Graphics¶
- GiovineItalia/Compose.jl : Compose is a vector graphics library for Julia. GiovineItalia/Gadfly.jl is built upon this package.
- JuliaImages/ImageCore.jl : Julia types for representing images.
- JuliaTeX/TikzGraphs.jl : Graph layout package using algorithms built into PGF/TikZ 3.0+.
- JuliaTeX/TikzPictures.jl : Library interface to PGF/TikZ, that allows one to create PGF/TikZ pictures and images can be saved as PDF, SVG, and TEX. If using IJulia, it will output SVG images.
- lobingera/Rsvg.jl : An adaptation of the librsvg to render SVG to Cairo surfaces.
- leferrad/OCReract.jl : A simple Julia wrapper for Tesseract OCR.
- Wikipedia: Geometry
- Wikipedia: Algebraic Geometry
- Wikipedia: Computational Geometry
- Wikipedia: Discrete Geometry
- Wikipedia: Solid Geometry
- chakravala/Ganja.jl : Visualization for geometric algebra, not just algebra, using enkimute/ganja.js
- chakravala/Grassmann.jl : ⟨Leibniz-Grassmann-Clifford-Hestenes⟩ differential geometric algebra / multivector simplical complex.
- JuliaGeometry/CoordinateTransformations.jl : A fresh approach to coordinate transformations.
- JuliaGeometry/Descartes.jl : A research project into the representation of solid geometry.
- JuliaGeo/GeometryOps.jl : a package for geometric calculations on (primarily 2D) geometries. JuliaCon 2024 video
- JuliaGeometry/GeometricalPredicates.jl : Fast, robust 2D and 3D geometrical predicates on generic point types. Implementation follows algorithms described in the Arepo paper and used (for e.g.) in the Illustris Simulation.
- JuliaGeometry/GeometryTypes.jl : Geometry types and for Julia, based on FixedSizeArrays.
- JuliaGeometry/Meshes.jl : Generation and manipulation of triangular meshes for a type of polygon mesh in computer graphics.
- JuliaGeometry/OctTrees.jl : Fast quad and oct-trees.
- JuliaGeometry/RayTraceEllipsoid.jl : Ray trace ellipsoid-shaped domes i.e. finds intersection points and refract/reflect according to the refractive indices.
- JuliaGeometry/Rotations.jl : Implementations for various 3D rotation parametrizations.
- JuliaGeometry/TetGen.jl : TetGen wrapper.
- JuliaGeometry/TriangleIntersect.jl : Fast ray-triangle intersections for ray tracing.
- JuliaGeometry/VoronoiCells.jl : Manipulate Voronoi cells in 2D.
- JuliaGeometry/VoronoiDelaunay.jl : Fast and robust Voronoi & Delaunay tessellation creation with Julia.
- JuliaGraphics/SignedDistanceFields.jl : Simple and efficient SDF calculation.
- JuliaImages/ImageFiltering.jl : ImageFiltering implements blurring, sharpening, gradient computation, and other linear filtering operations, as well nonlinear filters like min/max.
- JuliaImages/ImageMorphology.jl : This package provides morphology-related functionality to the
project. - JuliaPolyhedra/CDDLib.jl : A wrapper for cdd, the library for polyhedra manipulation such as double description and Fourier-Motzkin elimination. This module can either be used in a lower level using the API of cdd or using the higher level interface of Polyhedra.jl.
- JuliaPolyhedra/ConvexHull.jl : A Julia library for polyhedral computations.
- JuliaPolyhedra/LRSLib.jl : A wrapper for
. - JuliaPolyhedra/Polyhedra.jl : It provides an unified interface for Polyhedra Manipulation Libraries such as
. - JuliaPolyhedra/QHull.jl : A Julia wrapper around a PyCall wrapper around the qhull Convex Hull library.
- aviks/GameZero.jl : Zero overhead game development library for the Julia programming language.
- ChristianKurz/REPLTetris.jl : A small Tetris-implementation to be used directly form the Julia REPL.
- JuliaML/AtariAlgos.jl : Models/algorithms for use with the Arcade Learning Environment (ALE).
- JuliaMultimedia/CSFML.jl : Julia wrapper for CSFML, the official binding of SFML/SFML for C, a simple, fast, cross-platform and object-oriented multimedia API.
- JuliaMultimedia/SimpleDirectMediaLayer.jl : Bindings for the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) library.
- JuliaReinforcementLearning/ArcadeLearningEnvironment.jl : This package is a Julia wrapper for mgbellemare/Arcade-Learning-Environment .
- Kyjor/JulGame.jl : JulGame is a game engine based on the Julia programming language with the help of SDL2.
- romstad/Chess.jl : Julia chess programming library.
- sebastianpech/JuliaKara.jl : A julia port of the learning environment Kara.
- xiaodaigh/Game2048.jl : Simulation of the game 2048 in Julia. The base package is xiaodaigh/Game2048Core.jl .
- : Super Mango is a short 2D platformer game crafted with the Julia programming language, which was created as an example for all of Kyjor/JulGame.jl.
julia-logo-graphics : official versions of the Julia logo.
- kdheepak/FIGlet.jl : Fonts port of FIGlet, doing ASCII Art.
- JuliaGraphics/FreeType.jl : Font FreeType 2 bindings API wrapper. See also JuliaGraphics/FreeTypeAbstraction.jl
- JuliaGL/XCB.jl : XCB windowing library wrapper.