Plotting libraries for statistical Charts, Graphs, Plots, Histograms, Maps.
- Julia Plots Organization
- jacobusmmsmit/TernaryPlots.jl : Ternary/simplex plotting recipe/addon for
. - JuliaPlots/GraphRecipes.jl : Graph-related recipes to be used with
. - JuliaPlots/Plots.jl : A Julia plotting package with multiple backends gives the user simple, consistent, and flexible plotting commands.
- JuliaPlots/PlotThemes.jl : Themes for the Julia plotting package
. - JuliaPlots/PlotUtils.jl : Generic helper algorithms for building plotting components.
- JuliaPlots/RecipesBase.jl : Base package for defining transformation recipes on user types for
. - JuliaPlots/StatsPlots.jl : Statistical plotting recipes for
. - jverzani/ImplicitEquations.jl : Plotting implicit equations and inequalities.
- JuliaPy/PyPlot.jl :
wrapper usingPyCall.jl
. - stevengj/PythonPlot.jl :
wrapper usingPythonCall.jl
MakieOrg/Makie.jl : High level plotting on the GPU. Examples: and lazarusA/BeautifulMakie.
- MakieOrg/GraphMakie.jl : Plotting graph structures with
. - BioJulia/BioMakie.jl : plotting functions for protein structures, multiple sequence alignments, and some other related plots like protein structure contact maps. JuliaCon 2023 video
- sefffal/PairPlots.jl : This package produces pair plots, otherwise known as corner plots or scatter plot matrices: grids of 1D and 2D histograms that allow you to visualize high dimensional data.
- GiovineItalia/Gadfly.jl : A statistical graphics plotting and data visualization system. Gadfly Reference Cards and rendering to an SVG file using the D3 browser interface.
- JuliaGraphics/Immerse.jl : Dive deeper into your data with interactive graphics.
- TidierOrg/TidierPlots.jl : Tidier data visualization in Julia, modeled after the ggplot2 R package.
- gcalderone/Gnuplot.jl : Julia interface to gnuplot.
- mbaz/Gaston.jl : A julia front-end for gnuplot.
- JuliaTeX/PGFPlots.jl : Plotting tool that uses the LaTeX pgfplots package (built on top of TikZ) to produce plots.
- KristofferC/PGFPlotsX.jl : Generate publication quality figures using the LaTeX library PGFPlots. It tries to have a very close mapping to the PGFPlots API as well as minimize the number of dependencies.
- g-insana/CMPlot.jl : Cloudy Mountain Plot inspired by Violin, Bean and Pirate Plots.
- JuliaPlots/PlotlyJS.jl : Plotting with plotly.js visualization locally. The JSON file is generated by sglyon/PlotlyBase.jl.
- plotly/Plotly.jl : A Julia wrapper for the plotly REST API cloud service.
- queryverse/DataVoyager.jl : Julia wrapper for the vega/voyager data exploration tool.
- queryverse/VegaLite.jl : This package provides access to the Vega-Lite high-level visualization grammar in Julia.
- c42f/Displaz.jl : Julia bindings for displaz lidar viewer.
- cjdoris/Bokeh.jl: Julia bindings for the Bokeh plotting library. See the gallery. This package wraps BokehJS directly without using Python.
- djsegal/SimplePlots.jl : A fast-loading plotting library.
- GenericMappingTools/GMT.jl : Julia bindings for the Generic Mapping Tools Library.
- jheinen/GR.jl : This module provides a Julia interface to the GR framework graphics library.
- JuliaAnimators/Javis.jl : Julia Animations and Visualizations. JuliaCon 2021 Video.
- JuliaGraphics/Winston.jl : Fast 2D plotting for Julia.
- JuliaGraphs/GraphPlot.jl : Graph visualization for Julia.
- JuliaPlots/UnicodePlots.jl : Unicode plotting for the REPL in Julia.
- JuliaPlots/VennEuler.jl : Generate area-proportional Venn/Euler diagrams in Julia.
- JuliaRobotics/RoMEPlotting.jl : 2D plotting functionality for the Robot Motion Estimate ( JuliaRobotics/RoME.jl ) package. It's part of the JuliaRobotics/Caesar.jl package.
- ma-laforge/CMDimCircuits.jl : Parametric analysis/visualization of model/measurement/simulation results. The sister package for continuous function interpolation: ma-laforge/CMDimData.jl .
- ma-laforge/GracePlot.jl : Publication-quality plotting for julia using Grace/xmgrace.
- queryverse/SandDance.jl : Julia bindings for MS Sanddance
- randyzwitch/ECharts.jl : Julia package for the ECharts v4 visualization library.
- wsphillips/ImPlot.jl : an interface to cimplot that can be used in conjunction with CImGui.jl.