Generic external servers, web framework, etc., in Julia.
- Julia Web Organization
- JuliaWeb/HTTP.jl : HTTP for Julia.
- JuliaWeb/HttpCommon.jl : Provides types and helper functions for dealing with the HTTP protocol in Julia.
- JuliaWeb/LibCURL.jl : Thin Julia wrapper of libCURL.
- Algocircle/Cascadia.jl : andybalholm/cascadia CSS Selector library in Julia.
- JuliaGizmos/CSSUtil.jl : to create and align various web elements on the DOM.
- JuliaWeb/GeoIP.jl : estimating the geographic location of IP addresses.
- JuliaWeb/Gumbo.jl : Julia wrapper around Google's gumbo HTML parser.
- JuliaWeb/Hyperscript.jl : A lightweight DOM representation for working with HTML, SVG, and CSS in Julia.
- MillironX/Kelpie.jl : an HTML template engine in Julia.
- tkf/DisplayAs.jl : to show objects in a chosen MIME type.
- aviks/SMTPClient.jl : An SMTP client to send emails from Julia.
Server backends¶
- Arkoniak/Telegram.jl : Native Julia Telegram bot api wrapper.
- fredrikekre/Canvas.jl : a Julia package for interacting with the Canvas LMS REST API, a online education platform.
- Humans-of-Julia/HoJBot.jl : The Discord bot for Humans of Julia community server.
- Joseki-jl/Joseki.jl : Suggested opening moves for building APIs in Julia.
- joshday/NewsAPI.jl : Helper functions for using newsapi.org
- randyzwitch/Twitter.jl : Julia package to access the Twitter API.
- Xh4H/Discord.jl : Julia Discord API wrapper.
Web frameworks¶
- EricForgy/Pages.jl : A simple way to create and interact with web pages.
- GenieFramework/Genie.jl : The highly productive Julia web framework.
- JuliaGizmos/Blink.jl : Julia wrapper around Electron.
- JuliaGizmos/WebIO.jl : WebIO provides a simple abstraction for displaying and interacting with web content.
- neomatrixcode/Diana.jl : GraphQL for Julia.
- neomatrixcode/Merly.jl : A micro framework for web programming in Julia.
- plotly/Dash.jl : A Julia interface to the Dash ecosystem for creating analytic web applications in Julia.
- SimonDanisch/Bonito.jl : Easy way of building interactive applications from Julia.
- wookay/Bukdu.jl : A web development framework for Julia, influenced by Phoenix framework.
- JuliaInterop/ZMQ.jl : Julia interface to ZeroMQ.
- JuliaWeb/JuliaWebAPI.jl : Julia package for deploying APIs on JuliaBox to facilitate wrapping Julia functions into a remote callable API via ZMQ and HTTP.
- JuliaWeb/Mux.jl : to define servers in terms of highly modular and composable components called middleware.
- JuliaComputing/OpenAPI.jl : OpenAPI helper and code generator for Julia.
- chipkent/RateLimiter.jl : Julia package for limiting the rate at which events occur.
- dandeliondeathray/DandelionWebSockets.jl : A Julia package for client side WebSockets.
- JuliaTime/TimeZones.jl : Olsen Timezone Database Access for the Julia Programming Language.
- JuliaWeb/IPNets.jl : IPv4 / IPv6 network abstractions for Julia.
- JuliaWeb/WebSockets.jl : A WebSockets server library for Julia.
- randyzwitch/LogParser.jl : A package for parsing server logs. Currently, only server logs having the Apache Combined format are supported (although Apache Common may parse as well).
- rikhuijzer/Skans.jl : Monitor web pages and get notified when a page has changed.
- JuliaCloud/GoogleCloud.jl : OAuth2 support for Julia.
- JuliaLang/MbedTLS.jl : Wrapper around mbedtls.
- tanmaykm/OpenIDConnect.jl : OpenID Connect is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
URI and URL¶
- JuliaWeb/UAParser.jl : UAParser is a Julia port of ua-parser, which itself is a multi-language port of BrowserScope's user agent string parser.
- JuliaWeb/URIs.jl : URI parsing in Julia.
- rahulkp220/Tinyurl.jl : The simplest URL shortener for Julia.
Static site generators¶
- Humans-of-Julia/StaticWebPages.jl : A black-box generator for static websites oriented toward academics and personal web-pages.
tlienart/Franklin.jl : static site generation with live Julia code evaluation.
- tlienart/FranklinTemplates.jl : Simple website templates for Franklin.jl
- https://tlienart.github.io/PkgPage.jl : package front-pages powered by
fonsp/Pluto.jl : Simple reactive notebooks for Julia.
- JuliaPluto/PlutoSliderServer.jl : Web server to host Pluto notebooks supporting static conversion to HTML files.
- rikhuijzer/PlutoStaticHTML.jl : Convert Pluto notebooks to pure HTML files. Template for Julia tutorials.